I just received my Mimic T-16 what do i need to know
Congratulations on your purchase of one of the most unique training knives ever invented.
The Mimic T-16 is shipped with 2- 2032 batteries.
The batteries may be deactivated by a pull tab .To remove simply pull out from handle. In some instances we may not ship with this tab installed.
To use: there are 2 switches, a main switch and a smaller LED switch. The main switch has 3 positions, Off, LED only, and LED and sound. The smaller switch controls the color red or green. Move larger switch to one of 2 positions and apply pressure on the blade to activate and your in business.
When Finished-move switch to off position when done using. This will make your batteries last longer.
Please read Safety instructions and all other instructions on box as well as on this site to be safe and prevent damage or injury. You can refer to FAQ on any web page.
When and if the time comes to discard. Follow all laws when discarding the batteries and electronics.
WARNINGS and Safety First
Warnings and Cautions
This tool may include contact with another person. Care must be take not to injure them or yourself.
This tool involves contact requiring force to activate. Care must be take not to injure them or yourself.
Due to the various training methods, proper protection should be used to prevent injury or death. Protection used includes goggles/eye protection, pads, gloves, guards and other means to protect body parts from impact/pressure injury or possible sharp edges from blade breakage
With any training tool it is the responsibility of the user to exercise care to prevent injury. Please use caution as Aku Strike and our resellers will not be held liable for any injury incurred due to the use, misuse of this product.
Not for use for under the age of 18 years old
Do not make contact with the face or neck area
Ways you may be injured: Blade bending, breakage or damage:
Avoid bending the blade in side direction as this puts undue pressure on the blade and the blade can bend or possibly snap. We tested the blade to with stand a side deflection of approximately 1.75 inches measured at the tip of the blade. Blade bending or breakage can be caused by but not limited to;
- A stab to a person and/or the person deflects the knife/blade in such a way to cause the blade to flex to one side and the blade may bend or break
- The Aku Strike training knife is used to block a stick or other object.
- If used on a punching bag, target or person, the user may make direct or indirect contact with the flat side of the blade causing it to bend or break; a strong stab where the blade tip makes contact and excessive hand pressure forces the blade to deflect causing it to bend or break.
- If used in some disarm move causing the blade to bend sideways.
- The knife flies through the air and hits the ground
- Wrestling, grabbing, grappling, twisting, falling on it may break or bend the blade.
Risks if the blade breaks:
- The blade could break and a sharp edge may cut you.
- If the blade breaks, it is possible pieces may hit you or another person in the eyes or another area causing injury.
Always wear eye and body protection and do not use excessive force which may cause blade to bend sideways and break.
- Other people in the area should take caution and wear eye protection while using the Aku Strike training knife.
Impact injury:
Avoid excessive force when making contact with another person or object. A very minimal force is needed to activate the device.
- A stab to the body may cause injury to ribs, internal organs, muscles, tendons etc
- Avoid contact to sensitive areas of the body, for example ribs, kidney area, anything above the shoulders namely face, throat, head, neck.
Disclaimer; The blade may bend, break or be damaged and you may be injured if used beyond the design limitations of the components or beyond its intended use which is to alert of contact upon activation pressure of the blade from the edge or tip (not the flat side of the blade). This is not a defect in the product. In some instances the blade could snap and fly through the air and you could be injured. Users and anyone near should use eye protection and impact protection when using this product.
A few generally examples we consider not intended use or misuse when: *you attempt a disarm and one person death grips the handle and the other proceeds to apply gorilla pressure on the blade and bends/breaks it, *you stab like you’re going to put the knife through a person’s skull or block wall, (not kind to your partner)
*You step on it, *you swing it like a baseball bat trying to take your partners head off, *you do a disarm where the knife flies through the air bouncing off the ground or walls etc, you get the idea. NOW it will probably hold up well, but if it breaks it is not a defect in the product.
In some training applications for example disarms, hard contact, you may want to choose a different training tool such as rubber or foam.
Please visit our partner www.takknife.com for other great training tools .
Happy training and enjoy!
How do i replace the batteries
Batteries, 2-CR 2032
The Mimic uses 2-CR 2032 batteries. for best operation it is recommended to use a quality battery like Panasonic or Ever Ready. These have the required current and pulse recovery rate.
Do not use rechargeable, these may not supply enough current.
- Remove the philips screw near the lanyard hole
- Open the battery tray by tapping on hand and or using finger nail
- Replace batteries, IMPORTANT: install both batteries with the positive + side of the battery facing DOWN into tray.
- Close tray and HOLD CLOSED while tightening screw. Do not over tighten.
The blade on my Mimic trainer broke
THE GREAT NEWS: The blade is replaceable and is available in our store.
To Replace: You will need a 1.5mm and 2.5mm hex wrench. These can be bought at Walmart for 2 bucks, and a philips screw driver. Warning: be careful while removing the cover. The springs may fly out and/or hit you or someone in the eyes. Warning: when replacing the blade be careful and mindful of the small switch plunger near the blade. care must be taken not to put the blade on this small black plunger because it could break and then you will need new electronics.
If a blade does break please let us know, send us a picture so we can determine if the product itself was the issue.
The blade is made of tough polycarbonate polymer, it is the same stuff bullet proof glass is made from. however sometimes things happen during training and it could break, not a problem.
We tested this by hitting things as hard as we can and it held up without any damage. We put this in a vice and flexed it to 2 inches off center and it also held up well.
Our goal was to design a safe fun tool for alerting contact. We want everyone to enjoy this tool from kids to adults to LE/ML and every other martial artist. Yes we could use an aluminum or Rubber blade but both have its limitations in regards to safety and stiffness, so polycarbonate is our top choice.
Top professionals in the industry are using and teaching with the MIMIC and we have seen this used in some very tough training with great success in durability and training education.
Thanks to you, the Mimic is quickly becoming the premier tool for edged weapon training around the globe
Disclaimer,That said, it may bend, break or be damaged and you may be injured if used beyond the the design limitations of the components or beyond its intended use which is to alert of contact upon pressure of the blade from the edge or tip This is not a defect in the product. In some instances the blade could snap and fly through the air and you could be injured. Users and anyone near should use eye protection and impact protection when using this product.
Generally we consider not intended use when:—you attempt a disarm and one person death grips the handle and the other proceeds to apply pressure on the blade and bends it.— you stab like your going to put the knife through a persons skull or block wall,(not kind to your partner)— You step on it,— you swing it like a baseball bat trying to take your partners head off,—you do a disarm where the knife flies through the air bouncing off the ground or walls— etc you get the idea. NOW it will probably hold up well, but if it breaks it is not a defect in the product.
In some training applications for example disarms, you may want to choose a different tool. Please visit our partner www.takknife.com for other great training tools .
My electronics are acting strange
Batteries, 2-CR 2032
The Mimic uses 2-CR 2032 batteries. for best operation it is recommended to use a quality battery like Panasonic or Ever Ready. These have the required current and pulse recovery rate.
Do not use rechargeable, these may not supply enough current.
Q: I put the batteries in and only the green light is on. It is very dim and nothing else works.
A: Please see how to install batteries in FAQ. basically turn them over.
Q: The sound seems less loud then when i purchased it.
A: The beeper is controlled by a crystal, this crystal vibrates and may be damaged if dropped from sudden impact with the ground. The sudden impact from hitting the ground creates a force more then one would think. Please dont let it fly through the air, it is electronic after all. Dropping is not generally covered under warranty, you can purchase a replacement by contacting us by email. sales@akustrike.com. however, if something else seems not working correctly please contact us for a replacement. We are here to assure you have a great experience.
Q: Sometimes it beeps erratic
A: This is normal when the battery gets low. Sometimes all it tales is to not use it for a minute and allow the battery/capacitor to recover and all will be ok. However be aware this is a sign you will need to change the batteries in the near future.